JapanETCcard, is the pacesetter for providing ETC solutions complying with Japan standards. We are poised to make ETC services simple and more convenient for all SOFA, MOFA, MOC, and retired military personnel living in Japan. We are a professional ETC solutions company offering ETC specialists that provide clients with incredible support and customer service.
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 12 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 11 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 10 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 9 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 8 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 7 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 6 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 5 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard! We have moved locations, into a much bigger office to support growth in the program.
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 4 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard!
We have continued to grow stronger and stronger expanding our reach throughout Japan. Approaching our 3 year anniversary from first launching JapanETCcard! We have moved locations, into a much bigger office to support growth in the program.
We had a very strong year, expanded many new aspects of our programming interfaces. We have upgraded servers, and automated several more functions of the business. For as big as our company has become over the years, we rely on having a small team of staff. Utilizing automated tasks, and functionality into our daily tools, allows everyone to function much easier throughout Japan.
Early 2014, we continued to promote the ETC program by purchasing a new marketing signboard in Yokosuka, Japan. In Feb 2014, we began offering a 2 & 3 year contract capability. In Feb 2014, our website began a completely new upgrade, as well as a server upgrade. We continued developing additional applications, and mobile apps for our clients. We hired 2 new sales representatives to assist with providing great customer relations.
Our staff began translating all of the road information from Japanese to English. The JapanETCcard website programming began early 2013. In April 2013, our staff completed translating all of the road information from Japanese to English. The JapanETCcard website programming continued to be developed. In July 2013, we made our website open for customers to signup on an ETC card waiting list. Within 3 weeks, we had over 800 customers signup to our program. In October 2013, the program went live, and we began issuing ETC cards to clients from the waiting list. Our doors opened on our new ETC office in Yokosuka, Japan. The program continued to grow quickly, and expand throughout the community with positive feedback.
Struggled throughout the year giving dozens of presentations to banks that would issue ETC cards for SOFA personnel. After having 12 failure meetings with banks, road companies, and Japanese government, we finally found a way forward. No Japanese bank wanted to issue ETC cards to SOFA because of the alien card issue, policies in place, and how ETC cards are tied to Japanese credit cards only. Since establishing our path forward, we continued the path to get the program established.
Engaged in developing ETC program and establishing strategic relationships. The dream: In 2011, Adam Jones specializing in product development and web programming in his project JapanBases.com realized the demand and requirement for a new ETC solution towards SOFA personnel. Self-Funded: Adam continued to pursue the many different projects towards supporting the military and community.