Try JapanETCcard FREE for 60 Days

Billing Start Dates & 60-Day Free Trial

Experience Our Services

Driving in Japan can be stressful. Save money and time with a 60-day free trial of our ETC services.

Customers Still Responsible For Toll Usage

During the first 2 months of the trial, you are only responsible for the toll charges incurred while using the ETC card. It is important to note that customers are still required to pay for their monthly toll usage throughout the trial period.

The 60-day trial waives the ¥1,200 monthly ETC card fee, which is part of our Pay-As-You-Go plan. This fee will not be charged during the first 2 months of the trial. Please refer to the graphic above, which outlines the specific month the ¥1,200 fee will begin, based on when you receive your ETC card.

In addition to the toll charges, customers are also responsible for any processing fees associated with their ETC usage. For a detailed breakdown of the various fees, please visit our processing fees. Pricing Page

To summarize, the 60-day trial exclusively waives the ¥1,200 monthly ETC card fee, while customers remain responsible for their toll usage and any applicable processing fees.

After the Trial Period

On the third billing cycle, you will be automatically switched to the Pay-As-You-Go plan. See pricing details:

Pricing Plans

Cancellation & Deposit Refund

The security deposit is fully refundable upon cancellation, after your final bill has been paid.

Installation and activation expenses at AUTOBACS or YELLOWHAT are not reimbursed.

The deposit is refunded on the first day of the month following your last ETC usage, to ensure no outstanding balance.

The 60-day trial is a one-time offer per customer.

60 Day Free Trial Chart For JapanETCcard 60 Day Free Trial Chart

ETC Card Processing

New ETC cards are received twice a week (Wednesdays & Fridays). Processing takes approximately one week. Complete the deposit step to receive the card the following week.

Upcoming Delivery Dates & Times

Required Documents

ETC Documentation Verification: Both documents must match the owner details and license plate. NEXCO policy requires proper ETC setup to ensure the correct vehicle type and discounts are applied.

  1. Vehicle Registration (Shaken)
  2. ETC Setup Document

Required ETC Documents Required ETC Documents

Security Deposit

Two options available:

  • One-time payment of ¥40,000
  • Two separate payments of ¥20,000 (minimum required to receive the card immediately)
The ETC card provides clients with an unlimited line of credit. Plan ahead responsibly before embarking on long trips. Payment is processed on the last day of each month for the previous month's toll usage.