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Vehicle Classification
Vehicle Classifications Table
Minicar etc.
Light car
(Including ki-side car with more than 126 cc) motorcycles
Standard-sized car
Small car
Average passenger vehicles
(Combination vehicle and the towed car) axle (1 mini-vehicle and towing) trailer
Midsize car
(One of two axle tractor semi-trailers that is not connected to the towed car in less than three and not more than 5t axle load capacity and maximum gross vehicle weight of less than 8t) ordinary lorry
(8t gross vehicle weight of less than 29 or less than 11 persons Seating capacity microbus ()) type car vans
(Combination vehicle and the towed car) axle (usually one car and towing vehicle and towed the car linking or more) axle (2 mini vehicles and towing) trailer
Large car
At least the following three axle truck or common boatload 5t 8t gross vehicle weight of more than (or less and a gross vehicle weight of 25t (However, for less than a car length 9m below 20t, or less than 5.5m wheelbase farthest farthest about 11m or more but less than 9m long and 4 axle vehicles) is less than 22t in more than 7m farthest wheelbase and more than a car length is less than 7m 9m over 5.5m wheelbase)
Type car vans (with a gross vehicle weight of more than 8t and 8t gross vehicle weight of more than bus or bus more than 30 passenger capacity (less than 9m vehicle length less than 29 people and passenger capacity))
Combination vehicle and towed vehicles or more) axle (2, midsize car and tow car and trailer towing ordinary (large vehicles towing vehicle and towed the car linking) and axle (1) and axle (axle towed vehicle 2 (1) connection between the vehicle)
Huge car
(Other than normal freight vehicles in more than four axles, are divided into large car) usually lorry
Consolidated total number of vehicle axle and oversized vehicles more than four axle combination vehicle is towed by a vehicle with a car towed towed the car linking or more) axle (2, medium-sized and large cars towing vehicle and trailer towing (
Large special car
(Except for the bus (both more than a car length 9m 8t gross vehicle weight of more than 30 people and more than a bus passenger capacity ())) type car vans
Light vehicles, etc.
(Can only pedestrian traffic road bike Seto West)
Light vehicles
Driving in Japan can be stressful.
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